Records and Information Management (RIMS) system


RIMS (also known by its vendor name, Gimmal) is the database used by the Wyoming State Archives’ Records Management program to allow state agency staff to box, describe, label, transfer and retrieve their non-current records.  Records entered into RIMS are stored in the State Records Center until they have reached the end of their assigned retention period.  Entering your box information into RIMS allows you to track them and request that they be picked up or delivered to you at your office.

Are you new to using RIMS?  Just contact your Records Analyst for training.

Note: using the system requires that you have an egov account.  Anyone can create an account - in fact you probably created an account to apply for your job with the state.

Here are the slides from our RIMS Basic User Information session.  Feel free to ask about future RIMS user group meetings.

This guide shows step by step guidelines for creating boxes and folders, labels, and requesting and searching for your records.

Keep in mind that you may not enter permanent records into RIMS.  These must be retained by you or transferred to the State Archives.  Call your analyst or 307-777-7826 for further information.  Listings of approved records retention schedules specify if records are permanent or non-permanent.